Closed: Tues &/or Wed Upcoming Vaca: 3/10-3/13 & 3/15
Closed: Tues &/or Wed Upcoming Vaca: 3/10-3/13 & 3/15
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
A nozzle about the size of a pencil and goes in a little over an inch. Water is inserted through the nozzle and waste is eliminated through the rectum. - Colonic
Your privacy is always respected. You will insert yourself in privacy and have a medical napkin to cover yourself. The therapist does not insert for you. Colon Hydrotherapists is not trained to do insertions.
An Odor Exhaust System for this Colonic is attached to the device insures that the session room and entire center remains ODOR FREE. You and the therapist will not smell any of your waste
To Start the session: The Client undresses from the waist down and is properly draped during the session. You will be covered and the client inserts a small colon cleansing nozzle in privacy by the client with instructions from the therapist. The Colon cleansing nozzle is the ‘size of a pencil’, single use, and disposed of after each individual use. Once the client is ready and on the device, the client will notify the therapist that they are draped and ready to begin. Colonic
The waste goes down the drain & should not get on you. There is a sprayer hose attached to the device that you can spray your rectum off during a session and once it's completed to rinse yourself completely.
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
No food 2 hours prior to receiving a colon hydrotherapy session for best results &
Drink plenty of purified water! You can have black coffee (no creamer) before your colonic.
*We are only clearing out the LARGE INTENSTINE which is 5 feet long, it's your job to move food from your small intestine to your large by: eating healthy, exercising and staying in a mindful relaxed state of being.
1. Drink plenty of liquids: water, juice, tea, electrolytes
2. Eat pureed foods/soups for 24 hours after the appointment.
3. Avoid eating raw vegetables for 3 days. Cooked veges and raw fruit are sufficient.
4. Chew your food and SLOW DOWN, be in a mindful state of your emotions you released and honor your body if you need a nap.
5. Reduce heavy meat consumption the day of the colonic and the following 2 days.
If you look up Carolyn Berry on YOU TUBE and search her FAQs on what each colonic looks like from the 2 back-to-back and the total of 10-12. My favorite thing to say is "EveryBODY is different & give yourself GRACE :)
Yes.....You can still receive a colonic on your menstrua and for me it always helped with my cramping. I just ask that you remove your tampon during the session. Personally, I felt so much better regardless of the day of my cycle. I noticed I didn’t cramp as much & my periods were more manageable after receiving a colonic treatment.
1. Talk to your doctor first
2. We suggest two days prior to your appointment, *If you have never had a colonic before we suggest 2 days back-to-back prior to your appointment and 2 days back-to-back a week prior to your appointment.
Keeping in mind, to clear out the large intestine: a total of 10-12 sessions twice a week is generally the full gut reset.
Every-BODY is different, some people if they are constipated, don't have a bowel movement 1-2 days after the session. Therefore, this could be beneficial before going into a colonoscopy.
It's always best to check with your doctor first, more and more people are seeking out alternative methods to clear out their system before the appointment.
No, we keep it simple at Healing Colonics- we don't administer any add on's. We find that water and the device alone are very effective. You are welcome to get an enema for at home care.
I love referring clients to this article.
Give your body Grace and Time to "let go" of what is no longer serving you.
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Unlike other colonics, our facility uses "open colonics." With an open colonic, clients can easily make their own insertion using a pinky size nozzle that is only 2 inches inserted. The colonic is performed in a comfortable, reclined position. The water pressure is 1/2-2 psi and is gravity fed. The client releases in a natural way (like sitting in a toilet) and is able to push whenever you want to. No matter what size or firmness, waste is passed around the rectal nozzle. You have privacy, but the process is monitored by a therapist. There is a 4-foot viewing tube parallel to the colonic bed. Water hydrates and provokes peristalsis which helps strengthen and tone the walls of the colon (a retraining of the bowel). When the session is finished the client stays seated on the colonic device until finish releasing, and a sprayer is attached to the device to rinse off after the session.
Closed colonics use a bigger and wider nozzle, 1 inch wide; 5 inches inserted. The therapist makes the insertion while the client is lying on their side. The client lies in a massage table. Water pressure 1/2-2 psi and is not gravity fed. Client releases through a hose and can’t push. The therapist will massage the abdomen to help move the stool through the hose. Waste must fit into approx. 1 inch rectal tube. The therapist stays with the client the whole session filling them with water and helping them release through the nozzle and narrow hose. The viewing tube is a small window on wall unit. This doesn’t help with retraining of the colon. And when the session is finished, client must walk to the bathroom to finish releasing, and no sprayer is available to rinse off after the session.
I started on the CLOSED system and only knew about the closed 15 years ago. Once the facility in AZ introduced me to the OPEN LIBBE (Lower Intestinal Bottom Bowel Evacuation) I loved that I had access to the controls and that I had more privacy to "let shit go!"
During my training I resisted going back to the Closed system. My teacher was a wise lady and told me that I needed to explain the benefits of both to my clients. My teacher is a physic, massage therapy background and nurse background. she knew just the right questions to ask me & pressure points that when I left my CLOSED COLINC session I broke up with an emotionally abusive ex of mine and on a whim, I changed my number after having it for 20 years.
What I offer new clients: Upon request, I can stay in the room with you until your comfortable being on your own. Please message me so that I can block off time accordingly with the rest of my clients.
Colon Hydrotherapy is not a medical procedure. We are not licensed medical professionals. We do not treat any disease nor diagnose. We make no medical claims whatsoever and urge you to consult with your medical care provider about any health concerns you may have prior to booking your appointment with us.
Check out this great video where the owner explains difference between OPEN LIBBE & Closed system