Closed: Tues &/or Wed Upcoming Vaca: 3/10-3/13 & 3/15
Closed: Tues &/or Wed Upcoming Vaca: 3/10-3/13 & 3/15
I was severely constipated and dehydrated in my early twenties- I had a laundry list of food intolerances that prevented me from being “regular.” I was desperate to relieve my symptoms of gas, acid reflex, heartburn, bloating, cramping, constipation, crying on the toilet, frustration and hemorrhoids. Additionally, I was self-sabotaging with food, drinks and other addictions. I could not seem to shake my lingering acne until I started down the road of healing my body from within. I had low self-esteem and struggled to find my purpose & flow.
Then, one afternoon while getting my hair done my hairstylist told me her friend had received a colonic that helped clear her case of candida, and to clear the metal fillings in her cavities. I was hooked with a need for more information; it took me seven to eight sessions to see any feces come out, I bought a package of colon hydrotherapy sessions on the spot and felt so much better. I also learned about “Candida” and that my body was addicting to the foods I had intolerances to. Getting regular colonics helped me stay on track and I re-learned feeding my body mindfully instead of reaching for sugar. I never looked back, this was the ONE thing that helped me eventually become regular without the aid of pills, probiotics, over the counter remedies or prescriptions.
Over the years I have tracked when I receive colonics and I recommend you do the same. I think of a colonic like a service you give yourself to clean out your gut which research is starting to recognize as your second brain. Colonics help me with seasonal allergies, allergic or intolerance reactions to foods. It has wiped out my headaches and more severe migraines. Acne has disappeared. Yeast infections, bladder infection, vertigo, PMS cramping, seasonal flus symptoms, constipation from food sensitivities, hemorrhoids & stuck energies have resolved themselves. Tracking my colonics against these recurring themes has been important to my success in eliminating them from my body and my life.
I followed the Medical Medium and celery juiced daily 32 oz, I drink healthy smoothies, practice in interment fast style of eating and use NLP (Nero Linguistic Programming) to clear my food intolerances, ( reset limited beliefs about myself and today I have the confidence needed to start my own business. Fantastically, I am now able to eat Lemons, Limes and tomatoes after 20 years of getting internal reactions and hives. I also meditate, do yoga and do a lot of grounding exercises to stay present.
I always joked that I should be the poster girl for Colonics because I told everyone that would listen how it has healed me from the inside, out. It’s healed my trauma from my childhood, there was many colonic sessions I had where I was crying and releasing stuck emotions in my body cells. I’ve laughed, I’ve rejoiced, I’ve rested, I’ve journaled and most importantly I’ve come home to my inner body and self and now I know my life purpose is to help others heal from the inside out.
I’m not a doctor, I’m a licensed colon hydro therapist and business owner excited to share and hold space for you and allow you to be still & listen to the messages from your body and allow my space to be a healing module where you can “let sh+t go!
For more great insight and information check out.......
**Update** I consider myself a carnivore and interment fast and have the best energy at my office ever since taking TRIBE VITAMINS: Bison Liver Plus Heart. I check in with my body through Kinesiology and eat fruits/veggies/carbs as desired. I also love to incorporate Bison Bone broth and order locally through Name drop me and we each get a FREE bone broth.
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